Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Review: Best of LiveStock DVD

I'm actually surprised I don't hear more about this DVD as it offers a whole slew of lessons that are very neatly organized and clear. All of the flaws of normal livestock are stripped away from this DVD package and only the meat of the lessons are left for you to learn from.

I would probably put this up there with PennyStocking Part Deux and highly recommend it to those people who have enjoyed Tim's other DVDs. There is no annoying lead up to the valuable lessons as in some other DVD's and there are just so many great examples of patterns and companies that I couldn't really ask for more.

The DVD also captures a lot of Tim's personality which makes it more entertaining than many others.

The one flaw is that the video quality on the screen capture is poor so you can't read the numbers or symbols on the charts very well but for each section the tickers are edited in and Tim talks through the price action so it isn't ever a big problem.

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